Escalator Step Chain Pitch 133.33mm Roller Size 70*25mm Bearing 6205 Pin 14.5mm GS01810001

Escalator Step Chain
Roller Size: 70*25mm
Roller Bearing: 6205
Outside Chain Plate: 40*5mm
Inside Chain Plate: 35*5mm
Pitch: 133.33mm
Shaped pin: 14.5mm

Product description

Escalator Step Chain Pitch 133.33mm Roller Size 70*25mm Bearing 6205 Pin 14.5mm GS01810001

Escalator Step Chain
Roller Size: 70*25mm
Roller Bearing: 6205
Outside Chain Plate: 40*5mm
Inside Chain Plate: 35*5mm
Pitch: 133.33mm
Shaped pin: 14.5mm


01 Delivery time

About 5-10 days in peak season.

02 Warranty period

24 months.

03 Product storage standard and time

Place it horizontally in a normal temperature environment,

and after installing it on the elevator, park it in a static state

for no more than 6 months.

04 Product packaging

Carton or wooden box/pallet, depending on the different situations.




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